I-95 Corridor Design Consultant [CDC] Project Experience

Interstate I-95 Managed Lanes Design Builds; FDOT, From SW 10th Street in Broward County to Linton Blvd. in Palm Beach County [Segment B-1 B-2], and Broward Blvd to Hollywood Blvd. including I-95 / I-595 Interchange in Broward County [Segment C], FL.; FPID No.: 433108-1-32-01 & 433109-1-32-0 [12/20216 – 12/2023]

GCME served as the only geotechnical subconsultant for the 10-mile of I-95 Segment B-1 and B-2, $285 million widening and reconstruction program and the $450 million I-95 and I-595 interchange major reconstruction and operational improvements projects. This project involved performing field exploration, laboratory testing and engineering services for proposed bridge widenings, new bridges, MSE and sound barrier walls and prepare the GDR to be included as part of the RFP package delivered to the shortlisted firms for preparation of their bid package.  GCME oversaw the preparation of the GDR and assisted FDOT & Consultant Team to prepare the RFP package, review and evaluate the ELOIs & Technical Proposals. Mr. Ghosh with GCME, Inc. served as the Geotechnical Task Leader for review of all geotechnical reports/documents prepared for the project by the DB Teams for Segments B-1, B-2 and C.  GCME oversaw all geotechnical design reviews and design related issues during construction.

Project Construction Cost:            $ 760 Million

Project Owner:                                FDOT D-4

GCME Role:               GCME provided Geotechnical Services as follows:

Phase 1:

  • Bridges: 26 SPT borings @ 85 to 100 ft depth & associated Laboratory Testing
  • Retaining Walls: 17 SPT borings @ 40 to 50 ft depth & associated Laboratory Testing
  • Toll Gantry: 12 SPT borings @ 40 to 50 ft depth & associated Laboratory Testing

Phase 2:

  • Bridges: 36 SPT borings @ 100 to 125 ft depth & associated Laboratory Testing
  • Retaining Walls: 17 SPT borings @ 40 to 50 ft depth & associated Laboratory Testing
  • Roadway: 78 SPT borings @ 5 to 20 ft depth, 4 DRIT (Infiltration) tests & associated Laboratory Testing

Phase 3:

  • Preliminary engineering required as per FDOT design standards to develop the Technical Criteria Package for the Segments B-1, B-2 and C
  • Preparation of the RFP Documents
  • Review of all geotechnical reports/documents prepared for the project by the Concessionaire’s geotechnical subconsultant
  • Oversaw all geotechnical design reviews and design related issues during construction